======= jFriCAS ======= https://github.com/fricas/jfricas **jFriCAS** is a Jupyter_ kernel for FriCAS_, i.e., it makes a Jupyter_ notebook frontend for FriCAS_ possible. When a Jupyter_ notebook of type FriCAS_ is opened, **jFriCAS** starts a new FriCAS_ process and a webserver (Hunchentoot_). Starting with FriCAS_ 1.3.9, the Hunchentoot_ webserver is included in the binary distribution for Linux (fricas-x.y.z.amd64.tar.bz2). In fact, **jFriCAS** makes FriCAS_ behave like a webserver, i.e., responding to GET and POST requests. On the Python side these GET and POST requests are handled by the requests_ library inside the wrapper kernel `fricaskernel.py`_. To put it in a nutshell, **jFriCAS** essentially comprises three files which have to be installed: :Kernel spec: `kernel.json`_ :Wrapper Kernel: `fricaskernel.py`_ :Web service: `webspad.lisp`_ Cell input input in the Jupyter_ notebook is taken by `fricaskernel.py`_ and sent via `webspad.lisp`_ to FriCAS_ (running behind a webserver). Output from FriCAS_ is collected by `webspad.lisp`_ and given back to `fricaskernel.py`_ where it is analysed and transformed into an output format that the Jupyter_ notebook understands, and thus eventually displayed. FriCAS_ allows different output formats. **jFriCAS** supoorts 2D and TeX output formats. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: install usage misc